Thursday, December 30, 2010

She Arrived! Safe and Sound!

So, at twenty to ten last night, Harri's plane arrived!! We cried. I wasn't expecting that but, knowing us, I probably should have! When we got back to the house, we talked until 2am, at least. It was awesome.
Today the weather is wonderful so we'll beach it up and I'll show her my uni.

I'm so glad she's here at last. Time to make some memories!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Arrivals Day

I've just woken up on the day of Harriet's arrival (she only arrives in about fourteen hours but I'm too excited to sleep).

Today I'm heading over to Manly to sort out our house for the week: get the keys, buy supplies and generally suss the place out. Then, I'll be off to the airport to fetch one of my most favourite people in the entire world.
I'm like a kid on Christmas and it's the best feeling ever. See you soon my candlemakHar.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." ~ C. S. Lewis

...and I'm off

I'm on my way. See you in a few my breadman x x x

Monday, December 27, 2010

Packing things, charging things, listing things

1 day to go till I leave, and I'm finally packing (for real, all the other times its been in my head or layed out on my bed). And only now has it set in. In less than 48 hours I will be there, and there will no longer be those 11 800 miles between us.
My suitcase is filled with all sorts of wonderful important things: marshmellow, po(10)c, and some rescue remedy as well as a small suprise. Then of course I have bikinis, the all important sunblock, my camera, ipod, some clothes {blue ones of course} and most likely more pairs of shoes than the clothes i can wear them with.
see you soon lan jam x
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.-- Robert Southey. "

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What's in your suitcase Sally?

The above post title, with it's awesome use of alliteration, is an ode to our highschool English teachers: Ms Kerr-Phillips, Mrs Duncan, Mrs Lewis and the wonderful Mrs Gardner.
In mine, you'll find the usual: shorts, t-shirts, sandals (because you know how much I can't stand flip flops), swimming costume(s) and underwear (naturally).

There's also some pretty day dresses, night time outfits (including one that may or may not be worn to a performance at an iconic Sydney venue), a pair of heels and my camera (naturally).

The weather has been crazy throughout Australia this summer, it's a four seasons in one day type feel, so I'm also prepared with closed shoes, jeans and a jersey.

I've packed my joggers/runners/tackies too and a whole lot of accessories.

3 more sleeps it is!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's all about The Secret

This time 2 years ago, even just this time last year, I never in my wildest dreams thought that i would be headed to Australia in just 4 days from now. But here i am, with four days to go, and it is still so surreal. Headed back "home" and going to see my breadman- i can't [friggin'] wait.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Got Myself a Ticket to Sydney Too!!

On the 28th of December I'll be boarding a flight to one of my favourite places on the planet: Sydney, Australia! I'm not living there at the moment, I currently reside in the Nation's capital of Canberra in order to complete practical training for my degree, but every chance I get I'm in Sydney. 

The longest I've managed to get back for in the last three months is two days. The Candlemakhar's visit, however, is an exception. We'll be spending a week in Sydney where I'll be able to introduce her to my new home and my Australians. I can't wait!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

An Extra Contibutor

Indeed, hyperactive times are just two weeks away!! So, I (Allani) too will be contributing to this here blog: a record of our adventures for ourselves to look back on and for our family and friends (and whoever else out there) to follow.
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth."  ~ Robert Southey

Hyperactive times are upon us once more...

So it's TWO weeks left till Allani and I are back TOGETHER! so i decided to make an attempt at a travel blog:) 329 hours and counting.